Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Damage from Hurricane Katrina is incredible...catastrophic. It is such a blessing Katrina weakened and veered slightly east before landfall, otherwise it would have been much worse. It's great to see that answered prayer. New Orleans, however, has been hit hard. Not only is Katrina devastating in the lives she took and economically, but also environmentally. Toxic chemicals, human waste, and floating coffins are just a few of the deadly ingredients in the mix with stagnant water. Because New Orleans had such extensive build up in the marsh lands, water drainage was not allowed to occur like it naturally would. As more Americans gobble up the ocean front property and devour wetlands, damage from hurricanes--even small ones--will only be worse. Insurers predict Katrina will cost $26 billion. Incredible! Americans, indeed the world, must examine our use of the environment. Suburban sprawl is a huge problem that will only lead to an unbalanced environment. As servants of God entrusted with His creation, we must be much wiser about how we use His resources.

Now, who wants to buy me a hybrid?

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