Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ann Coulter And Nice

Read this brief thought from World Magazine:

"These days, being a South Park conservative is in, and the working definition seems to be: Hit hard and don't worry about hitting below the belt, because there is no belt. If you counter the left's sputum with your own, talk-show appearances and book contracts will follow."

"Amy reports that the first question to Ms. Coulter was, in essence, "couldn't she be a little nicer? Ms. Coulter said people don't respond to subtle reasoning; one has to 'bop them over the head' and use humor to make people see the light." She's probably right: Earnestness on TV shows and during after-dinner speeches doesn't turn people on, and Ms. Coulter's rapid-fire attacks do.

But Amy also noted a rare, slow-motion answer: "When a young, conservative woman asked how Coulter could stand the awful things people said about her because of her stand on abortion, she hesitated, messed with her hair, and said: 'Well, it's the same way I don't care about anything else: Christ died for my sins and nothing else matters.' I think my jaw hit the floor.'"

See my previous post on compassion and politics. This is a good piece. Michael Savage conservatism (and Savage IS savage) is crude and ought not to be normal in conservatism.


Anonymous said...

And then there's this guy....

Anonymous said...

oops...that's supposed to be under the 'Fidelity' post....sorry