Friday, August 26, 2005

The Fruits of Evolutionary Thought

The London Zoo has a new exhibit: humans. Zoo spokesperson (or should I say spokesprimate?) explains the reasoning behind the exhibit: "Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals ... teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate." Yep, straight out of Darwin. This reminds me of a post Al Mohler has on his blog in which he addresses the fact that evolutionists deny the uniqueness of humans. He quotes Vernlyn Klinkenborg speaking about intelligent design, "It misses both the grace and the moral depth of knowing that humans have only the same stake, the same right, in the Earth as every other creature that has ever lived here." I disagree with Mr. Klinkenborg. I believe humans are created in the image of God: we are unique and we are special--the only ones chosen to worship God for His glory. It is really amazing that humans could stoop so low as to prepare an exhibit in which humans live and act like animals while being gawked at by their fellow species.


Teresa said...

This is disturbing and perhaps deserves your coveted "this week's sign that the apocalypse is upon us" moniker more than the dog waste (although, I agree that could be a misappropriation of funds - but, what if they really need to do that because the humans or primates or whatever you want to call them won't pick up after their brother animal dogs? Please recognize the tongue-in-cheekiness). Here's a question: if humans are merely animals and are to be treated as such in the zoo - why are they clothed (and don't get me wrong, if they're going to allow children in and post pictures of it, they should be). Doesn't that set them apart from 'animals' as such because the zoo doesn't provide bathing suits (or fig leaves for that matter) to the 'other' animals? And, for that matter, isn't the use of fig leaves (I don't know if they all wear them, but the article mentioned something about it) an implicit nod to the Biblical story of the Fall? Just a question or two.

Kevin said...

About the clothing question: do remember that people dress their dogs. But perhaps they should be naked...I don't know. As for the fig leaves and the Fall...something tells me the London zoo did not have that in mind when they decided to give the fig leaves ;).

Teresa said...

oh, I'm sure that's not what the zoo had in mind with the fig leaves - I just thought it was interesting. And, about people dressing their dogs - how many dogs have you seen at the zoo (I suppose I should clarify that I mean dogs in the cages)?