Tuesday, November 29, 2005


President Bush is delivering a major speech about the Iraq war Wednesday morning at the Naval Academy in Anapolis, Maryland. Good move on his part, Americans need to be updated on the war effort. However, the bad move was delivering it in the morning. I'm wondering what his advisors were thinking when they scheduled the time. As already stated, Americans need to be updated on the war effort, and the update needs to come straight from the horse's mouth not Katie Couric, Brian Williams, or Shephard Smith. If you ask me (which no one did, surprisingly ;) this should have been a nationally televised prime-time speech. With the recent hoopla over timetables and withdrawal, a clear progress report of where we are and where we are going is desperately needed without the filter of the media. With the speech being when it is, a majority of Americans will come home and hear from the news sources (if they hear at all) what Bush said--and even then it will only be what they think is important and will only consist of a few minutes. Here's hoping the prime-time address will come soon.


J. Smith said...

Kevin, my friend, I think it might be too late to save the Leader of the Free World. I have always highly admired President Bush, and he is still my third-greatest hero (after my father and George Washington). All that being said, though, things ain't lookin' so good in that big white house.

Kevin said...

Yeah, Justin...you're right. Bush has shot himself in the foot about forty times. But it's worth a shot, right?
I was hoping I'd see you at dinner tonight, but I see how it is, studying over a free meal.;) May finals go well for you.

J. Smith said...

Gracias! I'm definitely quite nervous about the prospect of my four Finals, but thankfully two of them are of the take-home variety. I get to use any materials I want, and I will definitely be using it all!