Saturday, November 05, 2005


I had been looking forward to the movie Jarhead for a while, and was really excited to watch it last night. Unfortunately, that was the worst movie I have ever watched. It was absolutely filthy, crass, crude, and explicit and I'm sorry I stepped foot in the theater. Talk about a huge let down. I felt like the bait and switch tactic was used on me. From the previews I expected to see one kind of movie, but it turned out to be a completely different type of movie. Don't watch that filth of a movie. It was a waste of my time, money, and mind.


Ddot the King said...

I went to see Jarhead last night as well and I too was slightly disappointed. It wasn't what I was expecting and it almost seemd that it had an agenda behind it but the acting was pretty good. Great blog.

Kevin said...

I agree, the acting was good. The agenda I saw was to make the Marine Corps look as bad as possible (whether the Corps is really that bad, I don't know...).