Sunday, November 20, 2005

Pride Detectors

A friend shared these with me...good points to ponder:

1) A spotty prayer life - proves you aren't reliant upon God.
2) You're worn out / weary all the time because you are trying to do too much on yor own strength.
3) Always angry.
4) A critical spirit - points to an iflated sense of self.
5) A person that's defensive. Defensive reaction to criticism. Despondency after failure (because you value too highly whatyou do).
6) Taking responsiblity for success/accomplishments - indicates you have lost sight of God's undeserved provision.1Cor.4:7.
7) Impatience - about having to listen, waiting, serving, being anonymous, being led by someone else. Points to an overdeveloped sense of self-importance.

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