Sunday, October 23, 2005

This Is Strange

Anne Rice...never read her stuff, but apparently she's very popular author, writing about the occult. Turns out she has decided to go back to the Catholic Church she left at age 18 and is now "writing for the Lord." Her new novel is about a seven year-old Jesus. Go figure...


Blogger said...

Glad to see she's returning to the Church founded by Christ.

Kevin said...

The Church founded by Christ, eh?

J. Smith said...


There is some historical proof that this is so, although I am shocked to see so random a comment made to your post. While I, as a devout Roman Catholic, agree with the esteemed Inquisitor General, it would appear that tact is not his strong-suit. In my humble opinion, there was no real reason to insert this particular comment, aside from getting a rise out of you, the blog-master. Good for you on not taking the bait.