Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Berkeley: Bation of Freedom, Beacon of Light

Here are some gems from a conference on spiritual activism held at Berekely this past summer. I should also mention that these snippets deal with conservative and liberal Christianity. I think you can make the distinctions.

Defrocked Catholic priest Matthew Fox, now an Episcopalian, blamed war and economic injustice on "those who want to worship a dominating punitive Father God which includes the put down of women, nature, [and] gays." In soothing contrast, Fox offered a unisex, pantheistic "mother/father God who is embedded in nature, creativity, our bodies and all our art forms." Fox lambasted the Pope for defeating liberation theology and faulted Protestants for succumbing to a "kooky Christianity" of "domination and not of justice."

Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong lashed out at this "domination" religion. "It's time to name evil as evil when sounded in pious accents of biblical religion," Spong declared. Conservative Catholicism and "evangelical fundamentalists" are growing because "hysterical people are seeking security," Spong fretted. Referring to the rise of religious conservatives based in the South, Spong claimed, to the audience's delight, "The old [segregationist] George Wallace vote simply applied perfume and call themselves the Religious Right."
--Spong also claims Paul was gay and Jesus was married...

Almost all vitriol was aimed rightward. Berkeley linguist George Lakoff, a frequent advisor to religion-perplexed Democrats, explained that the left worships a "nurturing" God, while the right adores a "punitive" deity. Conservatives believe in a "strict" God who requires good behavior for getting into heaven, according to Lakoff, while progressives emphasize "unconditional love." United Methodist lobbyist Jim Winkler was less analytical: "Angry white men [which describes almost all religious conservatives] are like a wounded bear striking out in desperation," he observed.
--Really!?!? I had NO idea that I believed I have to do good works to get to heaven! Man, I'm glad this linguist was able to point that out to me. I'm also glad he pointed out that I don't worship a nurturing God. Boy howdy, I sure did learn a lot from this guy. But the "angry white men" bit has got to go. In reality were gettin' just a little bit TO'd right now, NOT angry.
But in all seriousness, these folks need to come out of their ivory towers or cramped studies and examine the true make-up of conservative Christians. Their stereotypes are AWFUL! But, you know how liberals use the Bible....
To read more ludicrousness, go here.

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