Monday, October 03, 2005

Liberal Bias???

This is an interesting expose: The anatomy of a photograph. The San Fran Chronicle was caught!


J. Smith said...

Excellent expose, I must say. I am, of course, not surprised in the least by this media twisting - still, it is revealing. Thank you for bringing the article to my attention. The next time I start to get hyped about any news story, especially one condemning the current administration, I will bring this article to my mind. What a truly cheap move on the paper's part.

Teresa said...

I am not surprised either. I am, however, appalled at the blatant bias that never gets revealed to the public. I understand that the media can only publish/air so much, and the media must edit things down, but this seems a bit misleading to me :). Yet another reason to not merely naively believe whatever the media says! (for another example, check out the media's coverage of the media's coverage of Katrina)

Kevin said...

Good points from all!

catastrophile said...

zombietime is severely misrepresenting the circumstances of these pictures. I've blogged it here, if you're interested.