Thursday, June 23, 2005

News From Cuba

The high court in the communist country of Cuba ruled that the state is able to take private property if it will benefit the public. So there is no real private property anymore in Cuba. So long as the state can see some sort of public benefit, they can bulldoze the house and move on in. Oh wait! I made a mistake! This was an actual ruling from the UNITED STATES Supreme Court. I thought for sure this type of disrespect for private property would only come from a communist country. Never thought that it would become law in the good ol' US of A. Guess I was wrong.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

yeah, you were wrong - we live in a welfare state and the welfare that matters is the government's. So long as you can convince the government that it might get more money from your business than mine, mine's out the window. Hope we all enjoy the new socialist state.