Wednesday, June 22, 2005


A few headlines:

Dump Durbin?
Senate Minority Leader Dick Durbin (D-Ill) has apologized for remarks he made on the floor of the Senate comparing American soldiers to Nazis, Stalin, and Pol Pot. Actually, a more accurate depiction of what he did was apologize IF he offended anyone. He did not retract his remarks nor say he was wrong for comparing the troops to those despicable regimes. Not really an apology in my book. I'm not surprised by is typical Durbin.

The Limits of Government
Columnist Cal Thomas had a great editorial yesterday arguing that church, not state, should advance a moral agenda. He is entirely accurate that conservative Christians must first remember to remove the log in our own eye before we start removing specks from others. Conservatives have been pushing a strong moral agenda that almost makes it seem like they believe that big government can solve society's problems. In the end we must realize that only One can truly solve the moral problems of today. Big government is not the answer.

Wuv, Twu Wuv
For all of you Princess Bride fans out there, here is a movie trailor you must watch. It is a remake of the movie with...SHARKS!!!! Funny stuff!

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