Saturday, July 22, 2006

Flush With Gambling

Christianity Today points to a story from the Christian Science Monitor detailing the rise in gambling on college campuses. I saw this rise especially during my junior and senior years of school. Don't think this is just some innocuous past time. People are at the very least losing some serious money and at the worst getting into gambling debt. Just this past week I encountered a client who is in a gambling treatment center. Her gambling habit has wrecked her family. As this client's 80 year old mother stated in exasperation, "they just keep building more casinos."

It's funny how gambling continues to increase in America and we as a soceity glorify it and turn a blind eye to its unsavory collateral damage. Oklahoma approved state sanctioned gambling in the form of a lottery and racinos in the fall of 2005. A certain amount of gambling revenue is designated to gambling treatment programs (talk about ironic...or stupid). This past spring Oklahoma Republicans fought to increase this program money. However, Oklahoma Democrats blocked this proposal. The problem will only get worse. Turning a blind eye won't help.

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