Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Confession

I am a conservative and I listen to NPR (yes, National Public Radio). I know, I know, that's taboo in the conservative world. We are supposed to be listening to Rush, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilly (truth be told, I think they're all rabid and advance the conservative cause very little). But alas, my quest for intelligent, serious, interesting discussions on the world and national events and culture brings me to listen to NPR during my morning and evening commutes. Yeah, there is a bit of a liberal bias, and the folks at Morning Edition and All Things Considered may be seen as a little snobbish and hoity-toity here in the Heartland, but I get alot out of the programming. Joe Carter has a great post that does a lot to sum up how I feel about NPR, so I'm going to point you over to his place to read a lilttle more.

Now, just for the record: Laura Ingraham is amazing and while I'm not able to receive Bill Bennett and Hugh Hewitt on the radio dial, I think they've got great shows. It's just that on top of the highly partisan attack shows I need a little more balance, a little more engagement, and a little more debate.


Teresa said...

Gasp out loud!!!!! NPR??????? All conservatives everywhere are having collective heart attacks upon reading that sentence!!!

Although, I have to say that, while I don't listen to NPR (or really much talk radio for that matter), I agree with you about the need for more balance, more engagement, and more debate. Sound bytes bother me - they leave so much to be said.

J. Smith said...

Man, my family is never coming to visit the Gerbers! *chuckle* Mr. Gerber listening to his NPR, Mrs. Gerber curled up with The DaVinci Code, or whatever other satanic book has hit shelves that week. It would be a terrible influence on my poor children! *laugh*

I listen to public radio all the time, although I am listening to the all-classical station. Give that a try - it's great! Tomaso Albinoni, Franz Josef Haydn, Georg Telemann - great composers of Baroque music! And as I always say, if it's not Baroque, don't fix it!

Ronnica said...

Lately I've been filling my commutes with talk radio, but I haven't drifted over to NPR. I think I find the conservative radio shows more amusing than informative. My two favorite shows (on different stations) have entirely different views on things, and I love that.