Friday, June 09, 2006

Quick Links

A few links I found interesting:

There are two particularly thought-provoking posts on Evangelical Outposts (two of many, by the way). One concerns youth ministry in the early church (worth the read and subsequent moments of pondering). The other concerns rejoicing in the deaths of terrorist leaders like Zarqawi (an aside: yesterday, when I heard of Zarqawi's death I was elated. It was until later in the day that I thought about whether such a reaction was "right." This clears that up).

Charles Krauthammer's column on protecting marriage expresses most of my thoughts in a much more clear and succinct way. Read it for good insight. Also, read Larry Kudlow's column on taxing the rich. His sarcasm accurately exposes the lunacy of attacks made on the rich by liberals.

Last, but not least, not all scientists agree that global warming is occurring (also see here). So younger scientists are intimidated by older scientists into toeing the party line, huh? Sounds like what's happening with evolution.

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