From My Friend:
Now, its not as though the CC isn't big enough to tackle more than one or two issues. I know an organization can't try to do everything, but why not expand its position to these issues as well? They would only have to have a general position statement on the environment and poverty, and maybe to lobby for or against (or just state a position) certain legislation pertinent to these subjects. It would not necessarily mean redirecting a massive amount of funding or work.
What we have in the CC is an organization that will not touch issues that secular liberals have dominated because they see them as secular liberal causes. They need to wake up and realize that it is the lack of a christian voice in these issues that is allowing such issues to be dominated by secular viewpoints and agendas.
Here's the article:
ORLANDO, Fla. - The president-elect of the Christian Coalition of America has declined the job, saying the organization wouldn't let him expand its agenda beyond opposing abortion and gay marriage.
The Rev. Joel Hunter, who was scheduled to take over the socially conservative group in January from Roberta Combs, said he had hoped to focus on issues such as poverty and the environment.
"These are issues that Jesus would want us to care about," said Hunter, a senior pastor at Northland Church in Longwood, Fla.
Hunter announced his decision not to take the job during an organization board meeting Nov. 21. A statement issued by the group said Hunter left because of "differences in philosophy and vision." Hunter said he was not asked to leave.
"They pretty much said, 'These issues are fine, but they're not our issues, that's not our base,'" Hunter said.
His resignation is the latest setback for the once-powerful group.
The Christian Coalition, founded in 1989 by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, became one of the nation's most powerful conservative groups during the 1990s, but it has faced complaints in recent years about its finances, leadership and plans to veer into nontraditional policy areas. The group claims more than 2 million members.
From Me:
Thanks for that article. I must say that I've grown more and more tired of the CC. They are losing membership and relevance. They seem to be totally missing the idea that being a Christian is about having a worldview--a worldview that is Biblical--a worldview that is all-inclusive. Perhaps, though, the most telling part of this article is this: "They pretty much said, 'These issues are fine, but they're not our issues, that's not our base,'". How true. Their base is more concerned about one or two issues (granted, very important issues), and not these other important issues. What does that say about the state of the American church (as if we needed this article to point out that the American church is in trouble...)?
From My Friend:
We have got to let people know that being a socially active Christian is much more than standing against a few issues. I think so many of the Religious Right lobbying groups are afraid to try and juggle more than a few issues. They have these pet issues that are dependable for rousing support, given their polarizing tendencies. They are scared to take on anything else (because it is not politically profitable in light of their "base") and thus they are unwilling to cooperate with any other lobbying organizations on issues such as the environment.
You are right, the Christian life is guided through a biblical perspective on all things. To use the tired term "compartmentalized", we have now compartmentalized our activism at the expense of a fully articulated Christian perspective on national trends and events. I actually admire the Catholics to a degree in that they make their whole perspective and doctrinal agenda clear as they stand adamently against certain issues. All people know about the politically active conservative evangelicals is that we hate many things they desire to have in life (alcohol, recreational drugs, equal opportunity for homosexuals, women's choice in reporduction, gambling, etc.) It would be nice if they could also see that we are for many of the things they are for (safeguarding the environment, fighting crime, fighting poverty, protecting children, education) and so on.
From Me:
I think what you are saying about polarizing issues is true. Gay marriage and abortion get people fired up--fire up the base and get them to donate money and vote. Gosh, there is just so much much of an opportunity to make a much of an opportunity to glorify Christ through our public policy...and it's being tossed in garbage because it doesn't rile people up.
I lament.....
___________________________ either of us have a point? Are we sounding to liberal? Is public policy based on a Bibical worldview about more than just abortion and gay marriage?
Well.. in truth, the Bible barely mentions homosexuality.
You have to throw out the Old Testament verse, unless you're ok with death as penalty for back-talking your parents. (Leviticus, same chapter, a couple verses up. Right there with the "don't eat shrimp or we'll kill you " and "no touching pig skin or we'll kill you" verses.)
The brief New Testament verses (all 2 of them), read in context, most likely refer to the Roman pederasty which was popular at the time. It's hardly the same thing as modern adult concensual same-sex relationships.
It boils down to the CC desperately grasping for money, playing on the "ick factor" phobia of your average straight male.
If the CC's actions were based on a Biblical *anything*, they'd focus on what the Bible focuses on. Not what the bible *doesn't* focus on.
It really is a shame to see this Hunter guy resign. It seems like he was prepared to do just that. Our world needs leaders that actually care. Not leaders that just want to stuff their pockets and get popular.
I'm sorry, but it's pretty clear to me that the CC's motives are far less than noble.
Call me liberal if it makes you feel better.
Thanks for your comments. As I'm sure you are aware, this post dealt with the importance of conservative Christians tackling an expanding set of issues...not just abortion (ghastly) and homosexuality.
First, I'm not claiming that the Bible only talks about homosexuality. In fact, the number of times a certain subject is mentioned does not determine whether God cares about it. Even if the Bible mentioned homosexuality once, it would still be an important subject since God saw fit to include it in the Scriptures (because ALL Scripture is God-breathed 2 Tim 3:16-17).
Second, you bring up the OT references to homosexuality. The theme of Leviticus is holiness. Israel was the earthly representation of God's kingdom, and as such, God established rules and regulations governing all aspects of life. It is through these rules we see how man has so fallen short of God's standard (Paul speaks in Rom 7:7-24 of the OT law showing us our sin). So, we see ceremonial and moral laws. This is part of the old covenant God had with man. Christ is the new covenant, and we are no longer under the rules and regulations of the old covenant. This is not to say that the same moral laws God established in the old covenant aren't still applicable, but that we are not to follow the regulations associated with them. So, while we wouldn't stone a homosexual (or a back-talker), we still see that God does not speak favorably of homosexuality.
Furthermore, we see that heterosexual marriage is the design of God. He made man and recognized that man needed a woman. He established marriage in this way. Nowhere does God ever speak favorably of homosexuality.
I'll end my discussion of homosexuality there because a) there are much more thorough discussions available and b) this post is getting long.
Marc, you also state that the CC should focus on what the Bible focuses on. I agree, the CC ought to focus on proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ as Savior to the world, to all! The Glory of God is the central theme of the Bible, and one all Christians should be focused on.
Finally, whether you're a liberal or conservative makes me no difference. But, I would challenge you to explain what your authoritiy for truth is. Mine is the Bible...I'm not just pullling my beliefs out of thin air. What's yours?
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