Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Southern Baptists and Public Schools

NPR ran a story on a resolution that will be proposed at this year's Southern Baptist Convention urging Southern Baptists to develop a strategy for pulling their children out of public schools.

While I do see the points made by those in favor of such a move, I can't help but think pulling children out of public schools would be disasterous not only for the children, but also for our country. It is true that public schools are becoming more and more secular as evolution and other secular humanist ideas become more and more entrenched in academia. It is also true that many children are exposed to certain lifestyles and viewpoints in public schools that are counter to Christ exalting living. My answer to both: welcome to the real world!

Christians, especially evangelical Christians cannot sequester themselves from a lost and dying world that needs a witness. I understand that a child's education is very important and philosophies and ideas contrary to God and His revealed Word can be damaging to a child. But my answer is not to take children out of that environment, but for parents to take an active role in educating the child at hime. Plus, let's be honest, public schools are not completely devoid of spirituality. FCA and Young Life have huge participation numbers as children are shown how they can bring their faith to bare in the world. And I would dare say that many, many children who come from lost homes have came to know Christ because of the testimony of a Christian classmate.

I can only imagine what will happen to our Christian children who have been educated in Christian schools when they finally are exposed to the lies of this world. Shock and awe will fill their faces and their minds as they wonder if what they have been taught is true. Even if they know truth, will they know how to engage the culture around them? Furthermore, will public schools become even more secular when Christians pull their children out of them? By doing such a thing, we evangelicals are essentially giving over an entire people group to Satan! I think the best way for Christians to have an impact on our culture is by keeping our children involved in public schools. It is in that dark environment where the light of Christ can shine brightly.


Teresa said...

I agree wholeheartedly! (ahh, something else we agree on ;))

I would add some comments of my own on the subject, but I really think you covered everything I would have to say, so I'll just concur completely.

Ronnica said...

Being at a SBC seminary, most people believe that homeschooling is the answer. Yes, the parent is responsible for the education of the child. However, I agree with the view you have presented. From my experience, homeschooled children are much less likely to have unchurched friends (the same would go for those in Christian schools, I believe). The important thing is for the parent to know what the child is learning and able to correct and supplement where needed.

I don't know that public school is the best option for every child, but it should certainly be a decision left up to the parent, not the convention.

Kevin said...

Good points Ronnica. I'll take your point about the ultimate decision making authority a step farther and say the Convention ought not pass a resolution so much as favoring homeschooling or private schooling. Doing so would be irresponsible and illogical.