Saturday, February 04, 2006

Say What??

Apparently several churches are hosting Evolution Sunday soon. Imagine, a church celebrating a philosophy that contradicts everything Christianity is founded upon. To think that folks would go to church, sing hymns, and then hear a message essentially telling them that they were not created by God; instead they were randomly formed when some cosmic dust burst together. Then they hear that life just sort of happens, there's no purpose, it's all random. When the congregation inevitably ask the question "What about the Bible" the clergymen can give this wonderful explanation (my comments)

While virtually all Christians take the Bible seriously and hold it to be
authoritative in matters of faith and practice, the overwhelming majority do not
read the Bible literally (or at all), as they would a science textbook. Many of the beloved stories (key word: stories...not accounts, but stories) found in the Bible – the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark – convey timeless truths about God, human beings, and the proper relationship between Creator and creation expressed in the only form capable of transmitting these truths from generation to
generation.(huh? what does that mean?) Religious truth is of a different order from scientific truth. Its purpose is not to convey scientific information but to transform hearts (my heart is transformed by some fairy tale?!? think again...were that the case, I think I would choose to be transformed by Rumplestiltskin--there aren't as many principles to follow that are contrary to the world in that story as in the Bible. I mean who in their right mind would give their lives to something that isn't true?!!!?)

Read more of this madness here--if you dare. Then thank God if you attend a church that places God-given truth found in the Bible and logical reason above the godless religion of evolution.

Oh, and by the way, modern science tells us that there is no God and a man cannot die and then be resurrected.


Teresa said...

No - scientific discovery takes nothing away from the miracle of creation - in fact, it adds much to the miracle and our understanding of God and His Creation. However, teaching that man evolved from ape takes a lot away from the miracle of creation - I believe one contention is that it insinuates two things: 1. that God could not merely create man in His own image like it is detailed in Genesis and 2. that God has lied to us by telling us in Genesis that was how He created man. I believe that is what both the blog post and the first comment are attempting to get at.

Kevin said...

Thanks for stopping by--I always appreciate your comments and opinions.

I think Teresa said it best, there isn't anything miraculous about creation via evolution. What is miraculous about knowing my ancestors are apes? What is miraculous about knowing that I (and you) am not created in the image of God? How can you applaud and celebrate in church a philosophy that denies the existence of God? And if you say that God could have set the events of evolution into play--yeah he could have, but that's not the God I know. That god was created by evolutionists trying to make the theory persuasive to Christians.

I've never understood people who claim to be Christians and deny the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. What that means is that they decide what they choose to believe and not believe. Their God is the God of their imagination. It's cafeteria Christianity and it's not right.