1. Limited government is a good thing--just as many of the Founders believed.
2. Taxation should be limited
3. I care for the impoverished
4. Private institutions like churches and foundations are better able to care for the needs of the less fortunate.
5. I believe a market-based economy is a robust, strong economy.

7. Life is to be valued, and as such policies that support the destruction of life, should not be tolerated. Consequently: Abortion is wrong--abortion is murder. Euthanasia is wrong.
8. Education is the perogative of the local governments and not the federal government.
9. The Constitution does not support freedom from religion nor the separation of church and state.
10. The right to own guns is a Constitutionally protected right.
11. Throwing money at problems does not fix them.
12. Providing for the common defense, transportation systems, international aid, and other national infrastructures are the main duties of the federal government.
13. Freedom and democracy should be advanced throughout the world.
14. Rugged individualism built America, and it ought to be celebrated and encouraged. Any type of socialism/communism/"it takes a village" philosphies do not produce a strong nation.
15. God is the foundation upon which our society is based--He gave us inalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This should be recognized and celebrated in America.
Do 4 and 14 conflict? Just curious!
No, they wouldn't conflict. Think about it this way - the individualism is actually promoted inside a church or similar organization because the church encourages you to be yourself and to stand on your two feet (or to stand with your family, whichever you may want to think of it as), whereas welfare, which is the opposite of 4 encourages you to rely upon the government. The church's giving is an effort to get you back to where you can take care of yourself, but welfare promotes a cycle of dependence. Community is not the same thing as communism. Just some thoughts in response :).
also making those rich biscuits richer.
Very good question Chad! Teresa's explanation was very well reasoned. I believe that charity ought to spur one on toward being individualistic so that he/she can then contribute to others. I do not advocate withdrawal and unconcern for your fellow man. Instead, it is all about providing and making it on your own so that you can then help others.
And Anonymous, no, it's not about making the rich get richer
I have another point for your list. Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton.
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