Monday, June 06, 2005

The Beginning

So after months of reading blogs, I finally decided to start one. Anything and everything is fair game in this blog. Happy reading!


Anonymous said...

An interesting title to your website - you know the technical definition of a fundamentalist (the only word I can think 'fundie' might possibly refer to) is 'one who withdraws.' On your blog here, do you advocate the withdrawal of the right wing from society? All in all, an interesting website. However, one thing I would like to see is a (as you are self-identified as one) 'right-wing fundie's' take on the recent comments by Howard Dean, the DNC chair.

Anonymous said...

In addition to the earlier comment (this is the same commenter, in case you were wondering), your profile leave a little to be desired. I would like to know a little more about where you are coming from, and what part of the right wing fundie agenda you subscribe to, especially if you are going to be making any commentary on the political scene. I just like to know who my sources are for information concerning those types of things. Thank you for considering my suggestion :).

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

I took your suggestion and included a few details about me. Hope you like. As for Howard Dean....he's an idiot and he's taking the Democratic party down with him. 'Nuf said.
Thanks for your comments,