Friday, May 12, 2006

On Missing The Point

Newsweek's cover story this week is on AIDS. In a story detailing the prevalance of HIV/AIDS among blacks, writers Claudia Kalb and Andrew Murr totally miss the point when diagnosing the root cause of the spread,

Understanding why HIV has taken hold of black America and how to prevent
its spread has proved to be no less daunting a challenge. The root of the
problems is poverty and the neglect that comes with it--inadequate health care
and a dearth of information about safe sex.

Excuse me? Poverty causes HIV? Tell that to the millions across the world in poverty that don't have the disease. Lack of knowledge concerning safe sex practices causes HIV? How many American students haven't heard about safe sex?!?! It's taught in schools for crying out loud! This has nothing to do with lack of information or lack of resources. I may not be the sharpest tack on the wall, but even I could correctly discern that sex outside of marriage and drug use spreads HIV. If people would stop engaging in these practices, I'm willing to guarantee HIV would be almost a non-issue in the world. I believe the woeful ignorance of these reporters is exactly the problem with global HIV/AIDS policy. The Bush administration has made a great stride in recognizing that the only way to successfully combat further spread of the disease is through abstinence and committing $15 billion to promote it. At the same time, they recognize that people will not want to follow such a policy, so condoms are provided. This is smart policy, and we should encourage more of this type of common-sense policymaking.


Csai D. said...

Ou boy... It keeps on getting worse. Do you really think abstinence is possible? Abstinence in countries where the youn population have no other things to do than to have sex? To look at the AIDS problem you better have a wider mind, because it ia a mixture of elements. Messieur Bush, with his disastrous policies, is no better than any Middle East radical extremist. The motto Proud to be American has died within many of your countrymen thanks to the man you seem to admire so much.

Teresa said...

That's really all they have to do? Wow - I thought they were so poor, as stated by those who were quoted, that they would really be working to gain the money, food, whatever else they need to stay alive. If the problem really is that they have too much time on their hands, so that's all they have to do (something I highly doubt), maybe what we need to do is quit giving them donations of food and money so they will need to work more. Maybe that will take care of the time of the young persons who seem to have nothing better to do. And, I think you are wrong about Bush's abstinence policies, I think Kevin is right about the possibilities those policies hold. If you want to be upset with Bush, fine, be upset, but please be upset with him for some rational reason (the spending, the immigration bill, take your pick, there are a few more). I should apologize for writing this comment - which I will do now (I'm sorry - but, I did write it when I was irritated with what was said) - but I am going to post it anyway.

Kevin said...

Csai d
I appreciate your comment, but I believe it is rather irrational.
People who live in poverty have nothing better to do than have sex?? What a prejudiced, condescending attitude to take toward those who are poor.

I certainly do understand that there are many elements involved with the spread of HIV/AIDS...I said as much in my post. But the underlying cause--the root of the problem--is people who are sexually promiscuous and to a lesser extent those who do drugs. And no amount of wealth or education will stamp out the scourge of HIV/AIDS. I mean, look at America and the rest of the developed world...HIV/AIDS STILL spreads in these very wealthy and well-educated areas! It's about a lifestyle choice, and abstinence is the BEST and ONLY way to not get HIV/AIDS. I fully understand that many people will choose to not practice abstinence. That's why I pointed out at the end of my post that condoms must be provided. But you know what? All the condoms and safe sex classes in the world will not stop HIV/AIDS because people will choose to not use condoms.

As for Bush...yeah, I do admire a man who is the leader of the free world and does what he think is best to promote freedom. However, if you've read my blog you know that I'm not blind in my admiration and am critical of several of his policies just not his committment to combat the world HIV/AIDS crisis. Your other inflammatory remarks about Bush are unfounded and purely ad hominem.

J. Smith said...

Excuse me, my good man, but you are completely wrong. Abstinence is not possible? Last time I checked, all that someone had to do was... not have sex! It's pretty simple, you just refrain from engaging in sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Not possible? My wife and I are a living testament to the fact that it's quite possible, to say the least. Difficult, I'll give you that, but are we not human? For animals, I'll grant you it is impossible - their natures are such that they cannot deny them. We, however, have our rational nature and our human will which can always dominate over our body. If you want proof, the next time you are hungry, refrain from eating for five minutes longer than you would have otherwise. That's your human will winning out over your body and your instincts. If you, or anyone else on this planet for that matter, lives a life in which your body dominates over your rational mind, I truly pity you.

Your next question may be - Why? Why should I deny my desire to eat or have sex... Plain and simple, to prevent the VERY problems we are here trying to remedy. Do you know that abstinence is the only 100% proven method for preventing pregnancy or AIDS? Not only that, it's the cheapest, least problematic, and most efficient means of prevention. Try to think logically next time, if you would be so kind.