Saturday, April 28, 2007

Why I Listen To NPR

A few reasons why this conservative listens to National Public Radio:

Reporting on the lesser known of the two Congos

Reporting on Sudan and here and here also

Reporting on Ethiopia and Somalia

A touching story

An interview with a right to life advocate

What?!?! Gambling Causes Problems For Society??

Oklahomans made a colossal mistake when they voted for a statewide lottery a few years ago and an even larger mistake was made when casinos were allowed to operate on tribal land (I know, I know, I sound like a broken record). How long will it be before we decide to reverse this awful public policy? Today, the Oklahoman published an article concerning problem gambling in Oklahoma. Consider this from the article, "We're seeing kids checking out of college because they've lost so much,” Smith said. At a recent informational session at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Smith asked how many knew someone with a gambling problem. In a room of about 140, all but seven raised a hand." And this, "between 1 and 3 percent of any population and 2 to 4 percent of adults have pathological gambling addictions, experts say. That translates into at least 35,000 Oklahomans. Many more are problem gamblers who do not reach the medical definition for pathological." More sobering stories are included in this article. But do our leaders care? Apparently not--so long as they don't have to make tough decisions on funding our government, they'll be happy to see gambling expand in Oklahoma. Why are Oklahoma citizens not more adamant about good governance? As a society we ought to demand from our political leaders policies that will encourage and lift up the whole state--NOT ensnare the vulnerable.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri Message to the World

A brief look at what we're up against. This is when al-Zawahiri was in an Egyption prison for his conspiracy against the Egyptian government.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Darfur, China, and the Olympics

Here's hoping that Beijing's hosting of the 2008 Olympics will put pressure on China to finally change its stance regarding the genocide in Darfur. China, a buyer of cheap Sudanese oil has looked the other way as the Sudanese government has thumbed its nose at international pressure to stop the genocide it has perpetuated in the western region of the country known as Darfur. While we shouldn't expect any major changes to occur regarding the genocide, maybe the Hollywood (yes, Hollywood) campaign to tie the '08 Beijing Olympics to Darfur will work to put pressure on the Chinese to finally release their objection to a UN peace keeping force in the region. Foreign Policy blog has more.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Center For A Just Society

I've found what could be a new favorite organization, the Center for a Just Society, where faith, law, and policy meet. It looks to be pretty interesting and informative.

From CJS:
Our mission is to advance and defend Judeo-Christian principles of human dignity and social justice in law, policy and the public square. We seek to improve the quality of life of our nation's citizens through research, education and advocacy aimed at assisting lawmakers, the media and voters in building and sustaining a just society. Our desire is to bring attention and an alternative voice to issues pertaining to social justice. Our efforts to shape public policy and debate can be seen and measured by the Center's research projects, publications, media interviews and educational events

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Letters to Home

If you haven't read the latest issue of Newsweek, read it! Using emails, letters, and recordings from our (now deceased) servicemen and -women, Newsweek chronicles the major events in the Iraq war. It's not an anti-war type thing, but rather showing war outside of stale (maybe even biased) news reports. One part of a letter was particularly impacting. It's from Army 2nd Lt. Brian Smith writing in April, 2004 from Fallujah:

Try not to kill somebody at night. It is difficult to grasp the experience at night. Tank commanders have a thick layer of technology, and often other soldiers, between them and their targets at all times but after sunset, acquiring, engaging and destroying targets (i.e. people, vehicles,buildings, livestock, what have you) takes on the feel of a video game.

Hosing down person-shaped, gritty green blobs scampering around in the gunner's sight does not really allow for full appreciation of the impact of the act of ending the
life of another human being. Add another layer of separation by ordering someone else to actually perform the act. In the end, I felt and feel nothing. Not a d***** thing.

I was not sure what I expected to feel, much less what I wanted to feel. This is one of the questions about myself I hoped to answer by joining the Army. I am really not satisfied with the answer I found. How can I even appreciate the humanity of the person I had killed if all I ever saw was a green mass lying in the grass? I gave the fire command, the gunner lased then engaged with [the] coax[ial] and the target disintegrated.

I think this is a powerful look into what our brave men and women are facing in Iraq right now. I hope that we don't withdraw prematurely so that service of people like 2nd Lt Smith are in vain.

Also, as I read through these letters--many are from young guys, 18-22--I think back to the six or so New Jerseyens, fresh out of high school, Teresa and I flew back with in Aug, 06 from Denver to OKC. They had enlisted in the Army and were going to Ft. Sill for Basic. They were so young...they didn't even look like they could be much over 16. But there they were, cocksure of themselves, while at the same time a bit nervous...their northeast accents ringing through the cabin with excitement at what awaited them when they stepped off of the military transport bus into the sweltering Oklahoma sun. I wonder what has become of those guys...I expect they're out of Basic...probably in Iraq--into a different kind of sweltering sun. I hope they make it back to home safely.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Gospel and Politics

This quote from Charles Spurgeon from his sermon Christ Lifted Up is good for us to consider at all times, especially during ours, when so many think that it is the government that can bring all that is needed to develop worthy individuals. Wrong! It is the gospel, and ONLY the gospel that will transform a soul and give every person a meaning to live.

The gospel never was unsuccessful yet, when it was preached with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power. It is not fine orations upon the death of princes, or the movements of politics which will save souls. If we wish to have sinners saved and to have our churches increased; if we desire the spread of God's kingdom, the only thing whereby we can hope to accomplish the end, is the lifting up of Christ; for, "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me."

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Tory Leader, Hysteria, and Christianity

Albert Mohler posts on a peculiar row over in Britain. Apparenlty the leader of the Conservative party in Britain, David Cameron, actually goes to church because he believes the stuff, and not simply to by hypocritical. However, this infuriates another Tory, Michael Portillo, who hyperventilates:
It would be good to know from Cameron that for him going to church is just a
metaphor for wanting to be a good man and a good leader, and that he hears no
voices, receives no divine instructions and looks only for the judgment of his
fellow citizens. We could then sleep more easily at night.

Similar sentiments are already expressed in America, but have not gotten mainstream. One wonders how long it will be before national leaders are criticized by other national leaders for their faith.

Read more of Mohler's deconstruction here.

Friday, February 23, 2007


We watched Amazing Grace tonight. Absolutely powerful and very well done. I wholeheartedly recommend others see it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

On A Mission

One of my favorite activists, Gary Haugen of International Justice Mission, has a great article in CT on Wilberforce's legacy and the importance of fighting slavery in our present world. Money quote:
Hundreds of millions of poor people in the developing world today are suffering under an epidemic of violence—domestic abuse, sexual violence, slavery, illegal detention, police abuse, land seizures, and extortion. In their moment of greatest need, Nagaraj and Elisabeth and these millions of others are not crying out for a sermon or food or medicine or housing or microloans. In due course, they may. But right now, they are crying out for someone to restrain the hand of the oppressor. They are crying out for the ministry of justice. You can give all kinds of goods and services to the poor in the name of Christ—but if you have not restrained the hand of the oppressor from simply taking these things away, you have not done much that is significant or sustainable.

Monday, February 19, 2007

On Reading

Justin Taylor of Between Two Worlds, was interviewed on reading at Fire and Knowledge. Some good thoughts. Although like one reader stated, I thought mention of biographies should have been included.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

And The Genocide Spreads

As if we needed proof that a genocide in one location shouldn't be left alone to fester...The UN refugee agency is warning that conditions are present in Chad, the neighbor of Darfur for a Rwanda-like genocide. Chad's border region with Sudan has the same ethnic make-up as Darfur. Darfurians have fled into Chad to escape the Sudanese backed janjaweed. The problem is that the janjaweed have followed the refugees into Chad. "There is a hidden force trying to export the conflict between the Sudanese into Chad," said Allami Ahmat, diplomatic advisor to Chadian President Idriss Deby (this is from 2004--it's only gotten worse).

According to the latest BBC article, the Sudanese back janajaweed have undertaken attacks on the estimated 200,000 Darfurian refugees in Chad. Sudan is accusing Chad of supporting the Sudanese rebels. But lest we think this conflict is just spreading to Chad, the Central African Republic (CAR) is also facing raids from the janjaweed, and Chad has pledged troops to help protect CAR.

It is imperative that the United States show resolve to stop the spread of this genocide. While the UN Security Council is expected to discuss sending a peace keepin force to to Chad, this won't happen for some time. While America has its hands full militarily, it must commit the diplomatic resources to end these conflicts. Genocide doesn't occur in a vacuum. As we are watching right before our eyes, conflicts spread and mushroom into other countries. Then these places become either rallying cries for Islamic terrorists or their base of operations (this has already happened with al Qaeda)

In order to prevent more catastrophic loss of lives and further instability in Africa, the West, spearheaded by America, must act decisively to end the conflict in Darfur.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Street Children

Here's a post from The Point on street children. Having spent some time in Cambodia, a country replete with street children, I understand that dilemma. What is the proper response to this problem?

Monday, February 05, 2007


Here's a great article by a Canadian scientist who claims that Global Warming is the greatest deception in the history of science. Check it ou!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thought Provoking

Here are some articles that I think we would all profit from chewing on:

Matt Kaufman over at Boundless has some good thoughts on how we view government and government service (not your standard ideology piece).

Newsweek's Anna Quindlen discusses the role of writing (and education) in our society.

Finally, another Newsweek columnist, Robert Samuelson offers a criticism of namby, pamby, wamby public policy and how Congress needs to start thinking big, rather than symbolic (he also gives one of the shortest, and most effective indictments against the minimum wage).
