I can't believe that Democrats are still up in arms over the 2000 and 2004 elections. The lastest conspiracy theory comes from Robert F Kennedy Jr. in an article in the bastion of journalistic integrity and excellence, Rolling Stone. One of my favorite lefty bloggers, Chuck Currie blogs on this latest article, and I responded. Here's hoping the Dems continue with this absurd distraction while the Republicans gear up for '08. Go McCain Go!
UPDATE: The "intellectual" debate over at Chuck's continues. It never ceases to amaze me that people think the government of the United States is incapable of doing more than one thing.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
The Scourge of Global Poverty
Presbyterian pastor Mark Roberts wrote a series of posts on the ONE campaign that I found particularly thought-provoking. I would encourage you to read his ruminations as he engages the issue of global poverty.
Roberts also linked to these two articles from evangelical Christian Ron Sider: Is God Really on the Side of the Poor, and An Evangelical Theology of Liberation. Both are excellent, thought-provoking articles.
Roberts also linked to these two articles from evangelical Christian Ron Sider: Is God Really on the Side of the Poor, and An Evangelical Theology of Liberation. Both are excellent, thought-provoking articles.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Cambodia and Corruption
The World Bank wants Cambodia to pay back millions in contracts they say were misprocured due to corruption in the Cambodian government. Prime minister Hun Sen is having none of this, though. He's asking for proof from the World Bank of the corruption before he returns any money. The World Bank has given non-specific information to the Cambodian government because the Bank wants to protect their sources. That's not good enough for the always honest Prime Minister (errr....right...), and he'll wait it out til he gets the information he wants. It's no surprise that this is a problem in Cambodia--it's still full of corruption. Hopefully as more pressure is put on the country from international entities like the World Bank, the corruption can be cleaned up and the country can continue to develop.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Now That's My Kind Of Kid!
A three year old picked The Newshour with Jim Lehrer to be his theme for his birthday party. How cool is that?!?! The video is even better than the story...what an awesome kid!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Thanks to Brandon for providing this link to the Veritas Forum. Many great and thought-provoking messages.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Now It's Confirmed!
I'm a huge West Wing fan (even if it's off air, I still have the DVDs!). Sam was always may favorite character (well, I liked Leo as well) so it is good to find out by such a reliable source that I am most like Sam.

The idealistic speechwriter is well-liked by just about everyone. He's known for his excellent writing, sense of humor, and tendency to be clutzy. Although being younger than the rest of the staff, he's often treated as so, much to his dismay.
:: Which West Wing character are you? ::
The idealistic speechwriter is well-liked by just about everyone. He's known for his excellent writing, sense of humor, and tendency to be clutzy. Although being younger than the rest of the staff, he's often treated as so, much to his dismay.
:: Which West Wing character are you? ::
Friday, June 09, 2006
Quick Links
A few links I found interesting:
There are two particularly thought-provoking posts on Evangelical Outposts (two of many, by the way). One concerns youth ministry in the early church (worth the read and subsequent moments of pondering). The other concerns rejoicing in the deaths of terrorist leaders like Zarqawi (an aside: yesterday, when I heard of Zarqawi's death I was elated. It was until later in the day that I thought about whether such a reaction was "right." This clears that up).
Charles Krauthammer's column on protecting marriage expresses most of my thoughts in a much more clear and succinct way. Read it for good insight. Also, read Larry Kudlow's column on taxing the rich. His sarcasm accurately exposes the lunacy of attacks made on the rich by liberals.
Last, but not least, not all scientists agree that global warming is occurring (also see here). So younger scientists are intimidated by older scientists into toeing the party line, huh? Sounds like what's happening with evolution.
There are two particularly thought-provoking posts on Evangelical Outposts (two of many, by the way). One concerns youth ministry in the early church (worth the read and subsequent moments of pondering). The other concerns rejoicing in the deaths of terrorist leaders like Zarqawi (an aside: yesterday, when I heard of Zarqawi's death I was elated. It was until later in the day that I thought about whether such a reaction was "right." This clears that up).
Charles Krauthammer's column on protecting marriage expresses most of my thoughts in a much more clear and succinct way. Read it for good insight. Also, read Larry Kudlow's column on taxing the rich. His sarcasm accurately exposes the lunacy of attacks made on the rich by liberals.
Last, but not least, not all scientists agree that global warming is occurring (also see here). So younger scientists are intimidated by older scientists into toeing the party line, huh? Sounds like what's happening with evolution.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
From Newsweek
A few articles from Newsweek that I especially enjoyed:
Here's an online special detailing 15 ideas to "recharge America". No real substantial or detailed ideas are put forth--just broad themes. However one in particular caught my eye. It's from Pete Peterson of the Blackstone Group, in which he warns of the need to reign in our sickening spending problem, particularly referring to the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare. A choice nugget, "If we don't fundamentally reform our gargantuan entitlement programs and at the same time our gluttonous energy and consumption habits and meager savings levels, we simply won't have the resources for these desperately needed R&D investments."
George Will writes as only George Will can write on "white guilt". He tells us of a new book written by "America's most discerning black writer" on the detriments of not taking personal responsibility in the black community. To whet your appetite, "Black 'mililtants' preaching militant dependency want guilt-ridden whites to feel obligated to deliver black advancement."
Finally, read about the hypocrisy of Mexican immigration policy. President Vicente Fox has sent troops to Mexico's southern border with Guatemala to crack down on the illegal Guatemalans coming into Mexico. Fox has been urging America to grant amnesty to millions of Mexicans while his government has only granted legal status to about 15,000 illegals in his country. Wages for illegal Guatemalans are abyssmal--$3.50 a day, and sometimes room and board is deducted! Want to know what the coffee plantation operators think of Mexican workers? Look no further: "You can't depend on Mexicans, they're irresponsible." Hmmm...sounds familiar. Meanwhile, Fox and other Hispanics lecture the US on our treatment of illegals immigrants. Gimme a break!
Here's an online special detailing 15 ideas to "recharge America". No real substantial or detailed ideas are put forth--just broad themes. However one in particular caught my eye. It's from Pete Peterson of the Blackstone Group, in which he warns of the need to reign in our sickening spending problem, particularly referring to the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare. A choice nugget, "If we don't fundamentally reform our gargantuan entitlement programs and at the same time our gluttonous energy and consumption habits and meager savings levels, we simply won't have the resources for these desperately needed R&D investments."
George Will writes as only George Will can write on "white guilt". He tells us of a new book written by "America's most discerning black writer" on the detriments of not taking personal responsibility in the black community. To whet your appetite, "Black 'mililtants' preaching militant dependency want guilt-ridden whites to feel obligated to deliver black advancement."
Finally, read about the hypocrisy of Mexican immigration policy. President Vicente Fox has sent troops to Mexico's southern border with Guatemala to crack down on the illegal Guatemalans coming into Mexico. Fox has been urging America to grant amnesty to millions of Mexicans while his government has only granted legal status to about 15,000 illegals in his country. Wages for illegal Guatemalans are abyssmal--$3.50 a day, and sometimes room and board is deducted! Want to know what the coffee plantation operators think of Mexican workers? Look no further: "You can't depend on Mexicans, they're irresponsible." Hmmm...sounds familiar. Meanwhile, Fox and other Hispanics lecture the US on our treatment of illegals immigrants. Gimme a break!
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