Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I went to the Coldplay concert at the Ford Center last night. It was pretty much the best concert ever! So AWESOME!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Paradox Principle

Justin has a good post discussing how we are so often consumed with satisfying ourselves. It's worth a read and a ponder.

In other news: It's 6 p.m. and it's not dark!! Can't wait for spring!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Arab Phobia?

This port deal has caused quite a stir. The Bush administration is pushing to approve a deal that would allow Dubai Ports World, a company owned by the government of the United Arab Emirates, to operate several major ports in America that are currently operated by the British company that was bought by DPW. President Bush has insisted that this deal has been throughly vetted by the administration, and it is safe for this UAE government owned company to operate several major ports.

Many, both Democrats and Republicans, oppose this deal. Their fear is that the national security of the country will be jeopardized by the deal. I think that's a valid point. Two of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from the UAE. Terrorist money is known to be funneled through UAE banks. That concerns me. I'm concerned by the thought of Islamic terrorists being employed by the company and secretly undermining American security controls. Our ports are already poorly secured according to the 9/11 Commission. Let's not contribute to that by allowing a foreign government to operate American ports.

Is this arab phobia or Islamophobia? Absolutely not. I'm not scared or paranoid of every Arab or Muslim. I'm just concerned that a government with a history of terrorist ties will be controlling our ports. I opposed the UnoCal takeover by China back in October for the same reason: it's not good for a foreign government (in China's case a chief competitior) to control such a large portion of American energy.

In short, I believe this is a major national security issue. While I support President Bush in his efforts to secure America, and I believe him to be very capable in doing this, I believe he is wrong in supporting this deal. Let your voice be heard, oppose this deal.

And if you'd like to read thoughts from those more informed than yours truly, then I suggest traveling to this link at the National Review Online (Thanks Laura!).

Monday, February 20, 2006


I came across this documentary film on AIDS called A Closer Walk. I watched the trailer...it definetely looks interesting. When he was CIA director, George Tenet called AIDS one of the greatest threats to national security. I didn't really understand why at the time, but as I see the incredible loss of life associated with AIDS, and how the disease continues to spread (especially in SE Asia including a country near and dear to my heart, Cambodia), I'm beginning to understand why AIDS is such a threat not only to individual people, but to entire countries.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


When I watched the men's 500m speedskating finals last night and saw Joey Cheek post great times and win the gold, I thought "Gosh, that guy is pretty cool." However, when I read this story about how he used his 15 minutes of fame and $25,000 prize to help disabled children in Chad and call others including his sponsors to do the same, I thought, "Man, he is the real deal!"


Hey all you Back To The Future Fans, check this out: Brokeback To The Future. Stinkin' Funny!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Teresa and I are engaged!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Evangelicals And The Environment

Eighty-six evangelical Christian leaders have signed on to an initiative to fight global warming. Leaders include Rick Warren and thea head of the Salvation Army. These leaders recognize that the effects of global warming could cause millions to die, especially those in poorer countries. The group also congratulated several energy corporations for their efforts to reduce emissions.

This is a positive step for these evangelical leaders and will show the world that conservative Christians treasure the land that God gave us.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Go McCain!

McCain lashes out at Senator Obama. That's just one reason why I'm supporting a John McCain presidential run in '08.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Say What??

Apparently several churches are hosting Evolution Sunday soon. Imagine, a church celebrating a philosophy that contradicts everything Christianity is founded upon. To think that folks would go to church, sing hymns, and then hear a message essentially telling them that they were not created by God; instead they were randomly formed when some cosmic dust burst together. Then they hear that life just sort of happens, there's no purpose, it's all random. When the congregation inevitably ask the question "What about the Bible" the clergymen can give this wonderful explanation (my comments)

While virtually all Christians take the Bible seriously and hold it to be
authoritative in matters of faith and practice, the overwhelming majority do not
read the Bible literally (or at all), as they would a science textbook. Many of the beloved stories (key word: stories...not accounts, but stories) found in the Bible – the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark – convey timeless truths about God, human beings, and the proper relationship between Creator and creation expressed in the only form capable of transmitting these truths from generation to
generation.(huh? what does that mean?) Religious truth is of a different order from scientific truth. Its purpose is not to convey scientific information but to transform hearts (my heart is transformed by some fairy tale?!? think again...were that the case, I think I would choose to be transformed by Rumplestiltskin--there aren't as many principles to follow that are contrary to the world in that story as in the Bible. I mean who in their right mind would give their lives to something that isn't true?!!!?)

Read more of this madness here--if you dare. Then thank God if you attend a church that places God-given truth found in the Bible and logical reason above the godless religion of evolution.

Oh, and by the way, modern science tells us that there is no God and a man cannot die and then be resurrected.

This Can't Be Good

It's interesting to observe the reactions of Muslims to the disrespectful cartoons that first appeared in Dutch newspapers, and have now been reprinted in numerous other European newspapers. Just two photos of the outrage:

I don't recall this outrage when Christ and Christianity has been insulted, degraded, and otherwise dragged through the mud (although we Christians don't like it, especially when it is government funded art...).

I believe these two starkly different reactions reflect the founders of Islam and Christianity. Christ was mocked and humiliated even to death on a cross. Yet through this meekness, he rose victorious, conquering sin. Mohammad operated by fear conquering through war and violence. People followed largely because Islam was the order of the day. Christ trancends insults and slander, Mohammad cannot.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of Illusion

Here's a column by Newsweek columnist Anna Quindlen about the state of America today.

Here's my letter to the editor I sent to Newsweek:

As a conservative, I seldom agree with Anna Quindlen. However, I do
agree with her conclusion that it is hard to paint a completely rosey picture of
America (State of Illusion, Feb 6). But not for the reasons she
cited. Instead, America cannot be portrayed as stronger than ever when we
have allowed 45 million babies and counting to be murdered in the genocide
called abortion.